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PHP Version 7.4 - Features, Functions, and Facts – What's new?

One of the most popular and sophisticated scripting languages used for developing websites is PHP. To meet the ever-increasing demands of co...

PHP Version 7.4 - Features, Functions, and Facts – What's new

One of the most popular and sophisticated scripting languages used for developing websites is PHP. To meet the ever-increasing demands of contemporary web development, PHP is constantly evolving with each new version. 

With its many new features, functions, and improvements, PHP Version 7.4 stands out among the versions as a significant milestone. Learn all about PHP, its unique features, and the improvements that make it such an excellent option for programmers in this in-depth tutorial. 

Understanding PHP 7.4:

Understanding PHP 7.4
With its many enhancements to performance, syntax, and functionality, PHP 7.4 (released on November 28, 2019) carries on the tradition of PHP's advancement. As a transitional layer between PHP 7 and the forthcoming PHP 8, it improves the developer experience now while paving the way for future advancements. 

Key features and enhancements:

Typed Properties: 

This feature was introduced in PHP 7.4. Improved code readability and maintainability are outcomes of developers' ability now to declare the type of properties within a class. Better code checking and enhanced IDE support are made possible by this feature, which brings PHP closer to statically typed languages.

Arrow functions:

The syntax for defining anonymous functions is simplified using Arrow functions, which are also called short closures. Especially in callback functions and array manipulation operations, this short style enhances code readability.


PHP 7.4 embraces preloading, a notable performance enhancement that allows developers to load PHP files or bytecode into memory before the execution of a script. This results in overheard reduction and improved response times, helping applications which have large codebases or frameworks.

Null coalescing assignment operator:

If the variable is null, you can immediately assign a default value using the new null coalescing assignment operator (??=) introduced in PHP 7.4. To increase efficiency and code readability, this operator simplifies error handling and reduces verbosity.

Spread operator in arrays:

The spread operator (...) in arrays makes it easier to combine arrays or iterable objects which in turn facilitates array operations like copying, merging, and concatenation. The introduction of a natural-sounding vocabulary for array operations will make code more concise and easy to read.

Improved error handling:

Better error messages, more informative exceptions, and clearer error reporting options are the things that make PHP 7.4's error handling better. Hence, PHP 7.4 is better at handling the errors. By bringing about better code quality and faster problem solving, PHP Development Company's help can help in better error handling and resolution.

Functions and use cases:

Functions and use cases

Typed properties in object-oriented programming:

Typed properties in object-oriented codebases result in resilient and modifiable code. They enforce type-checking and offer more precise explanations of class attributes.

Arrow functions for concise callbacks:

When it comes to performing tasks such as sorting, filtering arrays and mapping, the syntax used for creating callback functions can be made more understandable and expressive via arrow functions.

Preloading for performance optimization:

Preloading is tremendously useful for the speed of PHP applications, especially with frameworks or large-scale projects, by reducing the overhead of file loading and parsing.

Null coalescing assignment for default values:

Such reduction consequently increases the code readability and conciseness as it helps to omit the whole scope of conditional statements that are irrelevant to the overall purpose.

Spread operator in arrays for array manipulation: 

In the case of features like concatenation, merging and copying, the extensive form of the spread operator makes the syntax simple and readable.

Improved error handling for debugging:

With the new error handling feature in PHP 7.4, you can fix the errors in a more organized way and promptly, which would allow you to write better code. 


The release of PHP 7.4 marked a watershed moment in the language's development, ushering in a plethora of improvements in developer efficiency, code speed, and language adaptability. PHP 7.4 gives developers the platform they need to successfully handle the problems of modern web development

Adopting these advances allows PHP development services providers to develop PHP applications that are quicker, stronger, and easier to maintain, paving the way for future breakthroughs of even higher quality. Hire Shiv Technolabs to leverage the full potential of PHP version 7.4. Developers here are highly adaptable to tech upgrades and can deliver the best results as per your project needs.

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